Sunday, February 27, 2011

New days..

I don't know how to explain this but I think it's the best for both for us. So today is 
a new day. I wish everything going to be just fine. =] 
Like people said broken heart doesn't mean it's the end of your life.
Sometime we have to move on and leave the thing behind even though you love them.
Sometime it's for your own good and for her too.
Wish me luck kay? and support me coz I need it right now.
Now is 4.30am but I haven't sleep yet b'coz I sleep too long. Perhaps just too long.
I can't even yawn that showing I'm sleepy.. Haiz.. Help me~
Yesterday is history, Today is Present and Tomorrow is Future.
There different between those. 
History making us become a better person.
Present is a gift that nothing can compare with.
Future is something new and there many thing to be done and the world is huge to be explore.
Appreciate someone that standing infront of you before you regret that you lost them.
Love them and care about them before you don't have the chance again.
Find Friends but not to Find Enemy.
3 month is a new experience for me and thanks again for giving me chance
to love you. I will kept it as a memory even though it's hurt me lot's.
I wish you're always mine but maybe this is not our fate to be together.
Maybe next time or in the future we can be together but not now.
GOD created us with love but not with hatred. So, spread the love arround  and forgive those who
maybe hurt you or do something bad behind you.
Now I'm single and I will enjoy my life to the fullest and never give up on my life.
There many thing that I want to experience.
That's all for today. I will update my blog soon. =]
Love ya all. Thanks for supporting me always =]

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