Sunday, February 27, 2011

My last Message.

I don't know why I'm thinking like this.
But after thinking about it I think we should officially breaking up.
It's for your own good and your future too.
Tell you the truth I don't have anyone else that I love(special girl) except you but
I can't avoid the truth about our relationship. In this 3 month, I always thought that
our relationship is going smooth but unfortunately some serious problem occur in our relationship.
Both of us can't handle it well so it lead to our broken relationship.
I know I can't make it up. So I'm sorry again I have done something that I'm not suppose to do.
You assume me as a friend after the tragedy. But I think the opposite of it.
Love Vs Friend. 
I have to end this before it getting more worse and hurt me more.
I'm Sorry again.

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