Monday, February 28, 2011

I am Number Four..

Today I watch movie with my friends. We watch the ' I am number four ' movies.
It's quite a nice movie and hang out at AnW. I love the onion ring. O.O
Make me want to eat more. 
New day's coming up and I'm going to face all the challenge.
First day has been through with single life.
Everything going to be just fine. (^____^) .V.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New days..

I don't know how to explain this but I think it's the best for both for us. So today is 
a new day. I wish everything going to be just fine. =] 
Like people said broken heart doesn't mean it's the end of your life.
Sometime we have to move on and leave the thing behind even though you love them.
Sometime it's for your own good and for her too.
Wish me luck kay? and support me coz I need it right now.
Now is 4.30am but I haven't sleep yet b'coz I sleep too long. Perhaps just too long.
I can't even yawn that showing I'm sleepy.. Haiz.. Help me~
Yesterday is history, Today is Present and Tomorrow is Future.
There different between those. 
History making us become a better person.
Present is a gift that nothing can compare with.
Future is something new and there many thing to be done and the world is huge to be explore.
Appreciate someone that standing infront of you before you regret that you lost them.
Love them and care about them before you don't have the chance again.
Find Friends but not to Find Enemy.
3 month is a new experience for me and thanks again for giving me chance
to love you. I will kept it as a memory even though it's hurt me lot's.
I wish you're always mine but maybe this is not our fate to be together.
Maybe next time or in the future we can be together but not now.
GOD created us with love but not with hatred. So, spread the love arround  and forgive those who
maybe hurt you or do something bad behind you.
Now I'm single and I will enjoy my life to the fullest and never give up on my life.
There many thing that I want to experience.
That's all for today. I will update my blog soon. =]
Love ya all. Thanks for supporting me always =]

My last Message.

I don't know why I'm thinking like this.
But after thinking about it I think we should officially breaking up.
It's for your own good and your future too.
Tell you the truth I don't have anyone else that I love(special girl) except you but
I can't avoid the truth about our relationship. In this 3 month, I always thought that
our relationship is going smooth but unfortunately some serious problem occur in our relationship.
Both of us can't handle it well so it lead to our broken relationship.
I know I can't make it up. So I'm sorry again I have done something that I'm not suppose to do.
You assume me as a friend after the tragedy. But I think the opposite of it.
Love Vs Friend. 
I have to end this before it getting more worse and hurt me more.
I'm Sorry again.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I don't know....

I try to close my eyes but I just can't close it. I don't know why I can't close
my eyes.. My mind keep on thinking and think all the stuff that I wanna to do.
I also keep on thinking about my past. 
To be truth, you might see me strong and tough from the outside but
from the inside I'm weak and emotional.
Last few days, I just broke up and I'm sad about it. I wish both of us
can stay in the relationship and hold it for long time.
I want and need someone to be always closed to me.
I want someone to care about me.
I want someone to comfort and be there when I need them.
I need someone that trust me and willing to share their problem with me.
I love to joke sometime people will get piss because of me. 
I'm sorry again if I hurt you. I'm sorry for making those lame jokes.
I'm sorry become a jerk.
I love you but this is the only story that we can write together.
I will keep this as my memory.
You win my heart and now I have to let you go.
It's hard for me to let you go but I think I'm not the guy that suite for you.
I wish you found someone that better then me and can make you happy.
I'm very sorry I can't FULFILL my promise.

HATE ME if you want to because this is what I deserve for making you scared, unhappy, and making you sad. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm very disappointed !!

I never thought this will coming into my relationship. 
When people questioning about my LOVE it's like
doubting me. So now. What should I do. I feel like being stun by this matter.
I'm very tired and lazy to think. 
I wonder why you didn't tell me earlier about this matter.
Why don't you tell me that you hate that jokes when I say it out ?
Perhaps this is my fault. I been keep on thinking and thinking.


I'm just a normal guy that do mistake. You can't expect me to be perfect.
If you looking someone that perfect and suite you the most.
I'm sorry I'm not a perfect person. 
I don't care about people say about me nor your friend say about me !
What I care is what you think. 
I been trying and keep on trying to save this relationship.
You never know that my tears drop because of you. 
When I say I LOVE you I really mean it. 
But if you doubt about it. I can't do anything about it.
I think I'm the one who always think about our relationship.
Prove me that I'm wrong. I can't handle this stress anymore.
Please help me. I got tons of assignment which I have to do and submit by this week.
I can divide my time just for you but can you do the same?


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Should I or Should Not?

I been thinking about this matter again and again. 
I'm tired of thinking. I don't know. How about you help me decide for me?
Can ya? My heart and my head is super confuse. 
Should I let it be ? I'm super confuse. 
Why I think on the harder side? I made a promise to myself
but should I break the promise for my happiness?
Hmm.. I think I should decide it and make both side happy and
take their own way because of us have bright future.
Okay.. Let me think. Give me few day to cool down.
Sorry to think like this but it's not your fault.
You can put the blame on me. 
I will think about this deeply and tell you the answer.
I might be hurt but if for your sake of happiness I will let you go.
Should I or Should Not? 

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bla bla bla blaaaa...

I really need some LOVE now. I need it desperately. I wanna hug someone right now
but I CANT because there someone else in my heart.
I'm afraid I'm just not perfect enough for her but I'm trying my best
for her. All I want is trust and believe on me. I want to help her but
I can't. How I wish I can help her but too bad I can't even understand
her problem nor trying helping her to solve the problem.
If I did something wrong please tell me so I can change it
You the one that I have.. I commit on it but I'm afraid being hurt by the one I love.
But I'm used to it and able to face the fact. Thanks to the history and I been able to face
this matter. 

About my studies, I have problem in doing my assignment. Garhhh... too much pressure
on me. 3 works to submit in 1 week but I'm trying my best to solve my problem.
Please don't put any pressure on me. I can't handle too much 
pressure on 1 time.

I want my game life but luckily I have housemate that can follow my flow
DOTA, Counter-Strike, Online Game. ROAR !!

GOD hear my prayer.
To heavenly father in heaven,  
Please guide me and help me to face this problem.
Please bless my life, family and my friends. 
In the name of Jesus Christ

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Heart , Dream and Picture.

It's been a while I didn't update my blog. Ohh.. It's not a while but it's 
been for 3 month from the last post. I'm so sorry because didn't update my blog. =] and 
here the newest update on my life. =]

I don't know why I feel my heart is getting far and far from me.
Did it mean something ? Or I'm just being paranoid ? 
Don't know. I feel so blur right now~
It's almost for 3 month and feel happy for it but too bad
we are separate from each other for a while because 
holiday is over and I had to come back to college.

I want to finish my studies in college and start working. (I think so).

After log on into my facebook. HER picture pop out. I miss her smile and
laugh. How I wish I can keep the smile but it just cant because
you just don't belong to me. But I'm grateful I have someone that have
nice , cute , gorgeous and so on girl friend.
I Love you always Eva Edward. =]