Hello March.. Here I come. Please to be nice to me and I love you.
On the 1st March, I got my LSP 300 paper. I got a B+ for the paper. Sigh..
I'm not happy with the result. But thanks to Miss Nik for becoming a good lecturer.
I try to get a better result next time miss and I won't make you upset. =]
While Miss was discussing the paper I heard girl sreaming from upstairs. First I thought
they just playing arround and making the loud noise because usually they love to laugh very
loud. But then suddenly Miss Hadijah come in to our class and say there someone faint
in the class. I heard there a girl faint. Miss asking me and few of our friends to carry
her to downstairs so she can be send to the clinic. She faint on the 3rd floor and she quite
heavy too. Even she is heavy I have to carry her. After carry her to the car she was directly sent to
the clinic. After that I back to the class. After went home, I felt that my muscle is in pain and
I feel my arm can't move. I think it cause by the incident in the evening. Carry something that
heavy in sudden will cause muscle damage. I don't mind about it because I help someone that need
my help. Who knows maybe next time I need people help right ? And it's a good practice for me
because in future it might happen to your family member.
People Calling me heroes.. hahahaha..
So today, 4th March.. I went to futsal training in Taman Wawasan arround 12am+.
It's quite a good training because my team going to participate in the College Sport Games.
I score few goal and I still did not satisfy with my current condition.
It's good though because I can train my body and sweat. I have my target for
slimming my body. Hahahahahaa... Can I achieve my target? I always wanted to see
my body in smaller edition. I have 3 class later that start on 11.30am but yet I haven't
sleep. Okay. Bye for now. Will update A.S.A.P
Love you All.. :D